What are the applications you have installed that you have given the most permissions?
What are the applications that are most respectful of your personal data and less potentially dangerous?
This must-have application will give you a very simple answer to these questions.
Itself does not require any permission and contains no advertising.
It is optimized for mobile and tablet (Xoom, Galaxy Tab, Nexus, ...)
The latest version uses Android Lollipop Material Theme.
This application is published under GNU GPL v3 license.
Apa aplikasi yang telah terinstal yang telah memberikan paling izin?
Apa aplikasi yang paling menghormati data pribadi Anda dan kurang berpotensi berbahaya?
Ini harus-memiliki aplikasi akan memberikan jawaban yang sangat sederhana untuk pertanyaan ini.
Sendiri tidak memerlukan izin apapun dan tidak mengandung iklan.
Hal ini dioptimalkan untuk mobile dan tablet (Xoom, Galaxy Tab, Nexus, ...)
Versi terbaru menggunakan Android Lollipop Bahan Tema.
Aplikasi ini diterbitkan di bawah lisensi GNU GPL v3.
What are the applications you have installed that you have given the most permissions?
What are the applications that are most respectful of your personal data and less potentially dangerous?
This must-have application will give you a very simple answer to these questions.
Itself does not require any permission and contains no advertising.
It is optimized for mobile and tablet (Xoom, Galaxy Tab, Nexus, ...)
The latest version uses Android Lollipop Material Theme.
This application is published under GNU GPL v3 license.